Free download games like two dots
Free download games like two dots

free download games like two dots

Ideally, you need to be able to play one-handed - if you’re slammed into a C car at rush hour, the game is no good if you need both hands in order to play and can’t at least grab onto a strap. It also has to be interesting enough that it’ll keep you occupied while a sick passenger holds everything up - but not so engrossing that you end up missing your stop altogether.Ģ.

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It needs to be good enough to keep your attention, but not so demanding of your brainpower that you can’t listen to a good podcast while playing it. So we set out to find the best ones for your subway commute. Sometimes, you just wanna play a game on your phone. So how to pass the time? Sure, you could read a book - but you don’t always want to tackle the newest Jonathan Safran Foer treatise on why we should only eat seeds. Photo: franckreporter/Getty Images/iStockphotoĬommutes: We all have them, except for those lucky enough to work from home (and even then, sometimes you have to walk to the fridge). With a good enough smartphone game, even signal malfunctions can be peachy keen.

Free download games like two dots